Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ava is 15 months!

This little girl is something else. She is obsessed with Jacks big music show. She will stop what she is doing when she hears it on the tv and will just sit there and watch lol. She loves her doggies. she knows that they put toys in their mouths so she does too! She eats everything! She has 9 teeth now! 4 on top and 5 on bottom! She walks everywhere with her walker but no by herself. she is too chicken. she loves the park and the swing. she is a home body. rather be home than anywhere else. she loves kids. mostly girls, boys not so much! she is such a poser! she knows what to do with the camera. she has the duck face down. haha. she is quite the character. she hates the car so much. even if we walk by the car she starts crying. haha. likes to be outside! she says, titan, sheela, papa, car "tar", juice "duce", ya, what, no, and hello. loves to pretend to be on the phone. thats telling me something....haha i need to get off the phone! I hope this pumpkin is walking by next month! we'll see!

eating is hard work!

 Valentines Day:)
 cheesey smile
 i want more pudding!
 wants to be a dog!
 merry go round!
 hahaha silly girl!
 the smile she gave me on my bday!
 happy smiles in 40 degree weather!
 new swim suit!
 jump street!
 play date with karsen!
da duck face!