Friday, November 16, 2012

Aba is 11 months!

Where do I begin with this little munchkin! She kind of crawls. She crawls backwards lol. So almost there! She is a pointer. Points at everybody in the store or where ever we are! She says Titan. Her hair is coming in good. LOVES bath time. I will say ready for a bath and she screams! haha so cute! She cries sometimes when I take her out lol. She loves babies. She thinks she is no longer one. I love her. She loves cheetos, suckers, and mac n cheese. Has 4 teeth and puts everything in her mouth. She says da da whenever Jase walks in the room. Only says mama when she is mad. She still has to sleep with her musical sea horse. Pretty cute:) She walks with your help and loves to stand! Also thinks she is pretty sexy when she sees herself in the mirror. She is just so chunky and hard not to love! Almost 1 and I hate that! 

 Auntie Elizabeth baby sat i few times this month
 cousin love

 see no evil, hear no evil, wait...whats the last one!?
 Gives kisses to everything
 What up dawg
 has the main stare down down
 made herself a fort!
 matchy matchy with mommy!
 football time! Uncle ellies biggest fan!

 Happy Halloween!

 pretty girl:)
 my favorite face at the moment!

 just fell over and went to sleep!
 so flexible!
 she loves swings!
too cool for you!