Friday, September 21, 2012

The Steve Crosby Crew

 All because two people fell in love<3
Their kids and they all got married....
Their kids had lots of kids which equals lots of hugs for granpa and grama!
 The grand-kids! 24 grand-kids (plus cade, chantall, jason, and ben) and 4 great grand-kids!
 All da boys!
 and all the pwetty girls!
 Joe & Stacy clan:) This fam has the oldest grand-kid and the oldest great grand-kid for the Crosby Crew:) (Jessica & Allyson:))

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Fair 2012!

The county fair was fun once again! Except the fact that there was no kettle corn in sight! :( So sad! haha. oh well. Ava and griff are becoming besties. which is awesome:) Ava was in heaven with the steers, pigs and lambs. I hope this child becomes a vet not a vegetarian! haha! griff loves the train and cried so hard when he had to get off!! Ava got spoiled with coke, cotton candy and snow cones from everyone! lol I love my chunky monkey! I got to go on one ride and it was with alora on the Ferris wheel:) she loved it she was scared at first but i gave her some cotton candy to calm those fears! :) i am so the favorite aunt! But I cant wait already for the fair next year!

Grama Edie's princess fairys!

Grama Edie got the girls tutus and wings and while Alora was in SJ she wanted them to do a photo shoot! And Amy and I had fun with it! Ava kept pulling her wings off lol. It was super fun. I honestly could take photos of children all day. So if you want me to take pics I will! I would just do it for a loaf of homemade bread or cookies or kettle corn! lol. 

 Alora is such a cutie!

 Queen of the tree!
 picking flowers:)

 no hands!
Alright lets blow this Popsicle stand!

Doubt Fam 2012

We haven't had a family picture since Jason and I got married! So we were due for pictures! Especially since Ava is a new edition to the Doubt family:)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Slimmy is 9 months today!!


My baby girl is 9 months old today! seriously doesnt seem like 9 months since she was born!! She is such a sweet girl! She loves her titan. Cant get enough of Kilee and Allyson cant get enough of her! She has such a cute personality! She now was two bottom teeth! so cute! I can do her hair in pony and piggy tails! its so fun for me! She is just about ready for a big girl car seat! Makes me sad. good grief. Her favorite candy is redvines:) she is obsessed with straws! she will yank it out of your cup before you even get a chance to stop her! She is doing so much better with nap time! When you sing patty cake patty cake, she starts to clap her hands all by herself, same with if you say yay! She has a good fake cry! Jase and I love her so much! I couldn't have asked for a better baby! Love you so much Ava Chrystine!<3

                          Loves great gma's dog dusty!

  peek a boo!                

RED VINES!!          

                                                                      love you ava!:)

                                                              STOP GROWING UP!